- Library remains open from 8 AM to 8 PM every day.
- Library users shall sign in visitors’ book and deposit their bags and other belongings in the rack outside.
- Non-member library users shall have to obtain a visiting card to enter the Library which should be returned before leaving.
- Library Members shall be provided Photo-Identity Membership Cards. This card is non-transferable.
- Membership of the Library is provided only to such users who are introduced by a bonafide person and a student has to present a letter of introduction from the head of the department/Institution.
- The authorities of the University (particularly the CVV), shall send the list of students/library users to the Library.
- The CVV shall obtain No Dues Certificate from the Library before relieving/transferring a faculty/student.
- Application for admission along with Rs.500/- (Rs. 200/ refundable) for students, Rs. 800/ (Rs. 300/ refundable) for Ph.D scholars and Rs 1000/ (Rs. 500 refundable) for the CVV faculty members shall be submitted to the office of the Director, Chinmaya International Foundation Sodha Samsthan
- Life membership fee is a non-refundable Rs. 5000/ (for 12 years).
- The membership forms can be obtained from the Library.
- Borrower shall be liable for the loss/damage of books and other articles. In such cases, replacement of the lost/damaged material or refund of the cost thereof etc. will be based on an evaluation done at the discretion of the competent authority.
- Marking, underlining, annotating etc. in Library books are forbidden. In case a book is misused, wrongly handled or lost, the person concerned will have to replace the book or remit three times more the price of the book.
- Lending facility for rare and standard text books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, archived materials, old or damaged and unbound periodicals, current and loose issue of periodicals, reference materials, unpublished reports etc. are not entertained.
- Books and other materials for field use or out of station purposes will be issued only after obtaining prior permission from the Director.
- In-house photocopy charge is Rs.1.50 per copy for a maximum of 10 pages depending on the condition of the book. Old and archived publications/books are not allowed to be photocopied.
- Digitized copies of books/manuscripts, not more than 50 frames, are provided on request to the users for Rs. 5 per frame (DVD and Pen Drives charges extra).
- The borrower shall have to return the books within 15 days from the date of issue. The same can be re-issued for another 15 days provided the condition of the book is good and that the same is not reserved by any other user. The rule mentioned in point No. 12 here-above will be applicable also in the case of a student.
- Books borrowed may be recalled at any time.
- A student/borrower can borrow only 2 books at a time with the Library Tickets issued to him/her.
- The borrower will pay a fine of Rs.5/- per day per book after the expiry of the return date.
- Maximum 4 books will be issued with Library Tickets to a faculty member for a period of one month. The same can be re-issued for another 15 days provided the condition of the book is good and that the same is not reserved by any other user. The rule mentioned in point No. 12 here-above will be applicable also in the case of a faculty member.
- The accession, inquisition and issue register will be maintained separately for CVV.
- Smoking, eating, drinking and the use of mobile phones are not permitted in the Library. Silence and discipline should be maintained for the sanctity of the reading-room environment.