Dhīmahi is a scholarly academic journal published annually based on the UGC guidelines. The journal reflects the academic atmosphere of CIFSS.
ISSN 0976-3066
- Subject of Articles: Chinmaya International Foundation Shodha Sansthan invites innovative original contributions in the fields of Sanskrit language and linguistics, Sanskrit literature, Indian philosophy, comparative philosophy, Veda-Vedangas, Ancient Indian scientific literature having relevance in modern context including Āyurveda, Mathematics and indigenous medical practices and knowledge systems, commentaries, ancient Indian art and architecture and their comparison with forms of world art and architecture book-reviews, creative writings in Sanskrit and Indology, unpublished/rare manuscripts, comparative and inter/multi-disciplinary research findings wherein all the above areas and similar western contributions are compared/critically studied/edited etc.
- Languages and scripts of Article: Articles should be in Sanskrit or Hindi or English or in multi languages containing a of maximum of 3000 words in A4 size paper and in font size 12 in Times New Roman/Unicode font in case of Sanskrit and Hindi.
- Diacritical marks: Papers written in English, words from Sanskrit, Ardhamagadhi or Prakrit or Apabhramsas or Arabic or Persian etc. should be with proper diacritical marks with normal text if rendered in Roman Script. And also the general Sanskrit words rendered in Roman script with diacritical mark should be in normal font (without italic).
- Italic form of texts: The name of the texts, compositions, journals and complete sentence in other vernaculars, excluding English, should be in italic font.
- Footnotes: Notes and references should appear at the end of the articles as Notes with Arabic Numerals.
- Unpublished papers: Only papers which have not been published elsewhere will be considered. If there are major changes, the article will be sent back to the author.
- Copyright: Copyright of articles published in the journal shall remain vested with the Shodha Sansthan.
- Font: The article should be typed in Devanagari Mangal or Arial Unicode MS or Kokila or Sanskrit 2003 or any Unicode font, size 14-16. In English, Times New Roman with diacritical Unicode font, size 12. Preferred in MS Word along with PDF.
- How to send: The author shall submit the original manuscript (MS Word or in-design), typed on A4 size page along with a soft PDF copy through E-mail given below to the Director/Editor, dhimahi.cifss@gmail.com/director.cifss@chinfo.org.
- The end of the article should have the name and complete address, phone number and e-mail id of the author. A copy of the printed journal will be sent to the author after printing.
Research Journal

- ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वम् — पण्डितरत्नं के. पी. नारायणपिषारटि
- केरलेषु मीमांसा पय्यूर् भट्टपादाश्च — पी.ए. वासुदेवन्

- Early Manuscript Collections of Kerala — N.P. Unni
- पाणिनीयधातुवृत्तिषु शाब्दिकाभरणस्य स्थानम् — देवानन्द शुक्लः

- Tradition and Creativity — U.R. Ananthamurthy
- History of Phonemic Symbolism in Sanskrit — Narayan R. Joshi

- ‘Comparative Archaeology’ of the Buddhist Cosmopolis — Lokesh Chandra
- Safety of Silence and the Possibility of Dissent: Theatrical Responses to the Mahabharata — K.G. Paulose

- Relationship Between Kūṭiyāṭṭam and Tuḷḷal — M. T. Muraleedharan
- Kerala Sanskrit Tradition — Ramankutty. P.V

- Manuscripts of Kerala Commentaries on Dvanyālokalocana of Abhinavagupta — C. M. Neelakandhan

- Dharmaśāstra vis-a-vis Universal Values — Ujjwala Jha.
- संस्कृतेऽनूदितमुत्कलीयं साहित्यम् — नारायणदाश

Vedic Interpretation: The Pūrvamīmāṁsā Perspective — Ujjwala Jha
द्वैत वेदान्त का प्रतिपादित तर्क निरूपण— आशुतोष कुमार

- The Contribution of Mahāmahopādhyāya T. Gaṇapati Śāstrī to Sanskrit Literature – P. Visalakshy
- Authorities and the

- On the Criteria of Ānanda as Puruṣārtha: A Textual Analysis of the Debate in Madhusūdana Sarasvatī’s Advaitasiddhi

- The concept of creation in Kamba-Rāmāyaṇa : Kamban’s Advaita-Vedanta view of the universe – Swami Rāmakṛṣṇānanda

- श्रीमद्भागवतपुराणे अद्वैतवेदान्ताभिमतसृष्टिक्रमविमर्शः – दयानन्दपाणिग्राही
आयुर्वेदाभिमतस्य न्याय-वैशेषिकाभिमतस्य च सामान्यविशेषसिद्धान्तस्य तुलनात्मकम् अध्ययनम् – देवन् इ. एम्.